Howard Turner, of Centre Electronics, now silent key. I personally knew Howard through my visits to his shop, Centre Electronics, in Birmingham. I could spend hours in there having a chat with him over a cup of tea…and always gaining several ‘highly prized’ treasures to take home. The last time I saw him was at […]
Real Classics Magazine Digital Copy
If you are interested in the riding, running and rebuilding real classic motorcycles, then this magazine is possibly one to consider…but read this first, as I believe their website is misleading. Personally I wouldn’t bother with their ‘Digital Copy’ offering on the magazine’s website. Why?… because it’s no such thing! What you end up with […]
Kenwood HS-5 Headphones – Replacement Pa
If you use headphones on the air, as either a short wave listener or radio amateur, you’ll appreciate the advantages of a comfortable set of headphones with a frequency response tailored to speech. The Kenwood HS-5 headphones have been around for many years and receive rave reviews on places such as eham. The HS-5s are […]
SSB Products of Derby Cannonball Transmi...
On behalf of a friend, I’m trying to find someone who has the details of a transmitter known as the Cannonball, produced by SSB Products of Derby. Back in the 1960s, Norman Birkett G3EKX, created a range of products for the radio amateur. Most were available as kits and ready built. He had an interest […]
Victa Mustang GTS V40
Back in the mid 1980s I bought a brand new Victa Mustang GTS lawn mower from David Coulson’s shop in Prudhoe, Northumberland. It had the new, at the time, Vortex V40 engine. Really easy to start and use. I still have it, but at the end of 2020 disaster struck…I started it one day, it […]
Small Steps
After the fairly long ‘fixathon’, I took my G3LS out for a short ride…after checking oil flow as always. Beforehand, some of the petrol drained from the tank before Christmas was returned to the tank and the tyres were inflated to the correct pressure. I had already filled the primary chaincase with oil to the […]
Replacement Rubbers and Plastic Trim
The existing footrest and kickstart rubbers have been on the bike for at least fifteen years. They split fairly early on and have been held on with tie wraps. Now most of the other jobs are done, I thought it was time to replace them. I put an order in with Steve Surbey at AMC […]
Panasonic TX-32LZD80 TV Sound but No Pic...
Way back in 2005 I bought a brand new flat screen LCD television to replace my old Philips 24 inch CRT one. I chose a Panasonic TX-32LZD80 from John Lewis and got a five year warranty. It’s given sterling service until about a week ago. I’d left it on and gone to make some tea…when […]