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Reinventing the PS-304

Reinventing the PS-304

The Daiwa PS-304 has been with us now for at least 25 years…and most are still as reliable as ever.  A great design stands the test of time and guess what…Martin Lynch and Sons are now selling the MyDel PS-304 Mark II. Specifications: Input Voltage:  230V  50Hz +/-2Hz Output Voltage:  DC 1.5V – 15V continuous […]

Ideal Standard Michelangelo Towel Rail

Ideal Standard Michelangelo Towel Rail

I’ve added this post in the hope that it might help some vintage bathroom owners 🙂 If you, like me, have a perfectly good but vintage Ideal Standard Michelangelo Bathroom Suite, chances are the small plastic ‘bushes’ on the towel rails have failed by now.  They still work…but the rail is loose and rattles. I […]

G3PDM files

G3PDM files

Just a quick note to say I’ve added the articles on both the Mark 1 and Mark II G3PDM receivers to my ‘Downloads’ page. Enjoy…and let me know if you have one or start building one 🙂

Toyocom TQF-456C Crystal Filter

Toyocom TQF-456C Crystal Filter

You probably found this page as a result of a Google search for the Toyocom TQF-456C crystal filter.  I seem to collect filters like this…in case they are useful in the future 😉 It seems that an eBay seller known as ‘hifissb’, who breaks down radios and sells their modules, has a large stock of […]

Microphone Connections

Microphone Connections

Finding the connection details for your favourite microphone or rig can sometimes be a bit of a challenge.  I recently came across G4WPW’s website which seems to contain the connection details for every rig I’ve heard of…and many that I haven’t. You can find it here.

Avro Anson Seats

Avro Anson Seats

“Ladies and gentlemen, please ensure your seat backs and tray tables are in the upright position…” – well not quite on this old lady.  When clearing my Mum’s house, there was a complete set of old, dusty, but unused seats from a vintage aircraft.  I remember Dad mentioning something decades ago, about making the terrifying […]

16×2 LCD Display Bezel

16×2 LCD Display Bezel

I don’t know about you, but when I build a project, I like it to look right as well as work right.  Most holes you drill can be done neatly…and / or covered by a washer or knob…but there’s a problem with 16×2 LCD display bezels; there are thousands of displays to choose from but […]

Amplifiers – book by Peter Rodmell G3ZRS

Amplifiers – book by Peter Rodmell G3ZRS

As a rather old fashioned radio ham in many ways, I’ve always had a hankering to build a linear amplifier for the HF bands.  I’ve got lots of ‘junk boxes’ with stuff in them for different ideas such as: 813’s, QY3-125’s, 811A’s, 4CX250B’s etc… plus various transformers and other essential ‘stuff’. There are lots of […]

EasyPal DRM

EasyPal DRM

EasyPal DRM…or Digital SSTV as many people seem to know it as I was first shown EasyPal by a ham radio friend and was astonished at the quality and resolution of the pictures he was receiving…nothing like the lo-res stuff from MMSSTV and the like. Once I got back to the shack, I downloaded the […]

G3PDM back on the bench

G3PDM back on the bench

Having now sorted some other ‘life issues’ out, it’s time for my partially working G3PDM receiver to return to the bench.  Now I have to remember where I got to last time…assuming I can read my own writing 😉

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