If you’re a bit of a dinosaur like me, and are still using one of the best Outlook e-mail clients Microsoft ever released, namely 2010, you may find one day that it suddenly won’t connect to your local mail server or internet service provider’s mail servers. The error message you will get could simply be […]
Are North East company Domaincheck in tr...
I’ve used Domaincheck, aka Zebra Electronics Limited (company number 03033478) for many years. They’ve hosted my various domains, e-mails and websites, along with those of my clients when I was in business. I continued to use them after I retired in 2013. Nick Collins set it all up over twenty years ago and I got […]
D-Link DAP-1522 Wireless Access Point an...
I’ve had a D-Link DAP-1522 Wireless Access Point configured in Bridge Mode for some years now. Today I needed to reconfigure it for my new broadband service…easy I thought. Erm…no…not so easy. It should have been, because I hadn’t kept notes on what to do…but I spent some time figuring it out, yet again. These […]
Adobe Acrobat Reader Update Failed
I recently had an issue when Adobe Acrobat Reader kept failing to update. The error message has disappeared but effectively said that a particular file could not be updated as it had already been updated by another application. The file and path were ‘C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroCEF\libcef.dll’. I searched on-line for a solution and found […]
HD720P WiFi Endoscope – No Picture
I bought one of these gizmos a couple of years or so ago. The intention was to use it for seeing in places eyes and torches can’t reach. You realised I meant inside engine cylinders and gearboxes, and in corners of electrical equipment I couldn’t see, didn’t you? I’m sure it could be used for […]
WordPress 5.5 and Theme4Press Evolve Plu...
If you, like me, use the excellent Evolve Plus theme from Theme4Press, chances are you’ve had a problem or ten since the latest upgrade to WordPress 5.5. It took me a while to find what the problems were and how to fix them…here’s what I did. After the WordPress 5.5 upgrade, my website still worked […]
Netronics Explorer 85 from 1979
Back in the mists of time, before mobile phones, flat screen TV, the internet and many of the modern technological marvels, personal computers were very much in their infancy. Many people I knew were playing with Motorola 6502 based computers; we used those at university in the form of a Rockwell AIM-65. I’d been working […]
There is insufficient memory or disk spa...
Error: There is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot display the requested font. This recently became a problem with a friend’s computer; he runs Windows 10 with Office 2010. When trying to print certain documents, this error would pop up; he has plenty of memory and disk space. There were three things done in […]
How to Activate Windows XP without Micro...
Some time ago now, Microsoft turned off the on-line activation service for Windows XP; after all, it is obsolete and well past ‘end of life’. There are however, still some people running it on legacy machines to support older software…and of course for historical reasons. If you ever have to reinstall it, you will still […]
Download iBooks from your iPhone or iPad...
My quandary… I’ve been saving various documents, magazines and other publications, mainly PDFs, to iBooks on both my iPad and iPhone over the years. This is fine if you want to read them on the device or backup and restore to a new device. But what if you want to get rid of your iPad […]